

Centrum Edukacji Międzykulturowej,
Aleja Wolności 23 (MOK),
33-300 Nowy Sącz

tel: + 48 602 476 108
tel: + 48 608 315 089



CEM’s Board

Bożena Kocyk – President
Jolanta Kieres – Vice President
Joanna Wituszyńska – Vice President
Maria Baran – Secretary
Maria Janisz – Treasurer
Halina Komar – Honorary President



October 2024



“A thousand languages in the world like leaves on the trees,

who has brought them together into one tree? Esperantists!”

                                                   Jan Sztaudynger



    The Center for Intercultural Education in Nowy Sącz was established to explain and teach about the culture and linguistic diversity of Europe and the world, in order to preserve the richness of all nations and various ethnic groups.

    The importance of language, culture, and customs in preserving one’s national identity was confirmed by our trip to the Netherlands (2014). There, we learned about the culture of the Frisians, which has been preserved since Roman times, even though they did not have their own state or territory during that time.

    They remained a nation because they cultivated their language, culture, and customs different from the Dutch. Now, the Frisians are revitalizing themselves, strengthening their position as an ethnic minority in the Netherlands. They already have their own official language as the second state language and several representatives in the parliament.

    We were able to visit Friesland thanks to Esperanto – the international language. It enables contacts and cooperation in over 100 countries. It is an authentic key to a multicultural world full of conflicts, which Esperantists are trying to change, (according to Zamenhof – esperantoj) into an intercultural, tolerant, friendly world that respects the rights of all people with their racial, cultural, and religious differences.

    Remember: Esperanto is not only a language but also a goal to realize the most beautiful humanistic ideas of all time, the dreams of humanity about peace, tolerance, equality, and friendship. This is also our dream and aspiration.

    We invite you to join us in working together to achieve a better and more beautiful world!

    The Center for Intercultural Education in Nowy Sącz was established in 2012.

    A group of members who created a branch of the Polish Esperantists’ Association decided to become independent in order to realize a broader program than the one pursued by the PEA, according to their own vision. At the same time, some of us continue to form a branch of CEM and cooperate with PEA as a whole. Our headquarters is the Municipal Cultural Center (MOK), where Esperanto lessons have been held for several decades.

    The field of our activities encompasses a wide range of educational, cultural, and artistic activities. The popularization of Esperanto is particularly important, but we also aim to raise the level of English language proficiency among our members. Monthly club meetings expand knowledge in various fields and integrate the group.

    Special artistic programs are also being prepared, such as commemorating the 100th anniversary of Poland’s independence.